Why Keep Buying? (draft)

There could be other titles I could give to this article, e.g.

  • what has pen hobby brought to you? 
  • fountain pens (or other things) as a hobby. 
  • why you need a grail pen (despite not being Templars). 

The list could go on as far as I wish but the fact is: you keep buying. 


My theory: you have been brainwashed and fells into the trap of Consumerism. Gold nib, ebonite, urushi, nami-ki, craftsmanship, etc, those are all symbolism in 2024 to trap you up in the game of Consumerism, in exchange of non-existing Level Up of Society.   

However, human desired can not to be blandently put off, but better to be repositioned and coached nicely. Desire needs to be placed to a higher level of appreciation. The best way to stop gourmet is not starving, but following a scientific diet. I, therefore, share my thoughts with Internet. By doing so, I received no monetary received from any pen companies or Google (I build up the traffic for Google). What I have in return is a mirror of my thoughts and path. 

  • Let me be honest, any existing country is classed by Social Status (income, resource power of society). 
  • Class is symbolised by ownership of certain goods, e.g. the late Queen drove Range Rover. 
  • Society makes sure the awareness of products (symbol) and its upper class owners. 
  • Lower Class phantion a class up shift by owning the same good, e.g. nothing changed to John Joe social class after owning a Range Rover. 
  • John Joe spends more, nothing of social class changed. The government received income from tax payers, which will be later used to oppress taxpayers if dissent. 

So, that's basically how it works: symbol, fetish, buy more than needs, then it starts over again and again. They tried so hard let you fell into the "symbol", making learning material so accessible to your mother tongue. You spend time educate yourself to fall into the "symbol" preset for you. 

And the market seemingly provides your with endless free choice of goods to choose from, to express yourself as your unique statement from the others. Hey! that's another trap! You choose from what's been provided. And the "Limited Edition" is never that limited in quantity either. 

Of course, there is one thing to obstracel: break through the cliche, form your own interest, pursuit your liking. 

Recommended Reading List: 

Work, Consumerism, and the New Poor, Bauman, Zygmunt


Consumer Society, Baudrillard, Jean
