Majohn/Moonman B25

Released on 10th Dec, 2024 for CNY29.9 (USD4.12125790099987526 sorry for split of tough in video as USD6)

That is a pen from a nation amid of an economy turbulence. This trend will have an effect on the coming 2025, which I will do a forecast in another video. This is a pen of basics, toy grade, definitely not something we pen enthuristist are familiar with (at least for me). 

This pen represents a footprint of Majohn entering the low price market, which is currently dominated by Jinhao. 

I compared with MJ B25 with my other "fligher" style FP from Hongdian (forest series, CNY 70), MJ P135 (CNY 90), Jinhao 911(CNY 10), Jinhao 58 Fligher (CNY 30). The B25 is definitely inferior in respect of material (build quality still solid). Thinner layer of steel, thinner barrel & cap of B25 (CNY 30), which delivers a instant feel of "joke or toy" feel once you pick up the pen. Jinhao's material and build quality on par with the double priced Hongdian, in this comparison. 

The value of MJ B25 is trigger my interest into Parker 25. The un-sought-after Parker 25 was designed and still chanted for its "futuristic" look, but was collected today mostly for "nostalgia in 70's" . I have also found some interesting facts on Parker 25 and on the way building up a page here.

Majohn B25 is a straight clone of Parker 25 (circa 1975), which was a budget school pen discontinued in 1994. Well done Sir Kenneth Grange (Jul, 1929- Jul, 2024).        


  • Low Price. This is the cheapest pen ever from Majohn since I knew this brand. Once I knew the price. I was shocked and realised the gloomy eco situation out there. 
  • Light in Weight. B25 reminds me the pen I used back in school time. Easy, basic and fundamental. 


  • Soulless Nib. only F available. Stiff, while smooth enough. 


  1. how do you disassemble this pen for cleaning ?

    1. how do you extract the nib and feeded ?


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